Zoomlion invites global audiences to experience bauma China 2020 through live streaming events
In this special time, Zoomlion invites global audiences to experience bauma China 2020 through live streaming events:
1. Access the English-language live streaming at zomo.360vrjy.com , the session is scheduled for 2:30 to 4:20 p.m. on November 25, audiences will have the opportunity to win Zoomlion product models;
2. An English-language live streaming of exhibitor dialogue will be hosted on Zoomlion’s store on Alibaba at http://zoomlion1.en.alibaba.com.
3. Visit Zoomlion’s website for all information on its exhibition at bauma China 2020 at https://baumachina2020vr.lmjx.net/sh/zoomlion/.
4. For more exciting content such as excavator stunts and unmanned demonstrations, watch the official live broadcast of Zoomlion on Nimo tv https://www.nimo.tv/zoomlion